For many island countries in the Caribbean, the primary industry is tourism. Unfortunately, this industry is under threat because of global warming, natural disasters, violence, and now COVID-19. In order to ensure a more resilient economy in the Caribbean, Udall Caribbean sees economic diversification as key.
A key tenet of Udall Caribbean is to support local job creation in the Caribbean by partnering with highly-skilled artisans and accomplished business professionals to provide craftsmanship and business education for underserved populations, and at-risk youth/young adults. By supporting a culture of makers and entrepreneurs, we are not only sowing seeds of sustainable livelihood innovation, we are also supporting healthy local communities by creating opportunities for increased self-esteem and economic growth within these vulnerable populations, and positioning Caribbean makers and entrepreneurs to be able to provide both essential and non-essential quality craftsmanship services that have traditionally been outsourced to other regions around the world. (The COVID-19 pandemic has shown many corporations how not investing in the development of a truly diverse supply chain can negatively impact their long-term sustainability and growth, and the livelihoods of those they employ.)
By championing craftsmanship education we are advocating for a more resilient and sustainable coastal economy through economic diversification; we are ensuring job creation and economic strength.